Reliably archiving many s3 files


I would like to be able to add many (hundreds of thousands) of small s3 files to a single archive elsewhere on s3. It doesn't necessarily need to be fast, but it does need to be reliable. I can stream data through an archiver and back to s3 in a single lambda on a small scale, but since I need to get every single object, at full scale it's a lot to ask from a single lambda.

Could I, for instance, use step function to run archiving lambdas against a subset of the files and perform multipart uploads into a single combined archive? Are there any better ways to achieve this sort of thing?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren275 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

If you can leverage something like Firehose in your application you can stream files to a data lake in S3 and then archive to glacier with lifecycle policies.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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