Not seeing any HTTPCode_Backend Response on the Classic Load Balancer logs


I have a classic LB with TCP 443 port forwarding to my backend instances, where I have SSL certificate configured on IIS.
IIS logging is enabled.
When deliberately hitting some URLs with wrong parameters, I get 403 errors from IIS, but I do not see any HTTPCode_Backend in teh CLoudwatch
I don't see it in the Athena when trying to analyze the ELB logs either.
elb_repsonse_code and backend_response_code in Athena are both empty.

Can anyone point me in the troubleshooting direction?>


gefragt vor 4 Jahren347 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Ok, figured it out.
Looks like my only option to have the HTTPBackend_response_2xx/3xx/4xx/5xx in the cloudwatch metrics is to switch to HTTPS listener, instead of TCP:443.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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