How to correctly grant roles with redshift serverless?


Using AWS documentation for granting roles on Redshift Serverless ( - it says I should run this command to grant a role:

grant "sys:operator" to "IAM:<correct IAM user name here>";

This command always results in this error.

ERROR: syntax error at or near ""sys:monitor"" Position: 7 [ErrorId: 1-6372a5f7-38f7a17f6443bdfc4f6b348f]

What am I missing? Is the documentation incorrect?

gefragt vor einem Jahr1814 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Yes, the documentation needs to be updated.

Please use this command:

grant role "sys:operator" to "IAM:<correct IAM user name here>";

I'll request that the page is updated.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
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überprüft vor einem Jahr
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