How to enable VPC Endpoint setting about multiple private subnet per AZ


I set one vpc and two private subnet in same AZ. I set ssm endpoint about one private subnet but I can't set ssm endpoint about different private subnet. I want to set ssm endpoint about two private subnet. How can I set ssm endpoint about two private subnet?

2 Antworten

You can deploy one SSM endpoint in one of the subnets in the same AZ, as described in

Note that clients in the other private subnet would still be able to talk to SSM through the endpoint. And by default, each interface endpoint can support a bandwidth of up to 10 Gbps per Availability Zone and automatically scales up to 100 Gbps. A bit more details are available here:

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

You can specify more than one subnet in different Availability Zones to help ensure that your interface endpoint is resilient to Availability Zone failures.

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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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