DMS "Validation query execution failure" -- how to find the query that failed


I have a couple tables in a DMS task where the ValidationState is "Table error" and the ValidationStateDetails is "Validation query execution failure". Can anyone tell me how to find the query/action that failed? I've searched the DMS task and RDS target logs in Cloudwatch as well as the logs of the source DB but am not finding anything.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren656 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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To be able to find the validation query, you will need to reach to the support team, and we have to enable the internal logging to be able to capture the validation query.

Or depends on what engine, there might be engine logging which can be enabled to capture what DMS executed against the database. (It should be a select query, however if it failed, engine log may reveal the failure reasons)

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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