SageMaker GroundTruth Interface - option to skip a task and then return


Customer wants to configure the SageMaker Ground Truth interface seen by the workers such that the labeler can navigate to previous or next tasks. For example, if one is labelling images, they could skip the current image, label the next one, and then return to the skipped image. The Ground Truth interface does not seem to have this capability. Is there an option for it that I missed? I could not find anything about it here:

gefragt vor 4 Jahren379 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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Currently, there is no functionality to skip a task and go back to it later. However, you could add a field like

[ ] this task was skipped

where the annotator could check the box for those items to be reviewed and processed at another time.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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