authentication error with SAML + EMR + Lake formation


I have an errror when I try to login with an IDP (Auth0) and EMR integrated with Lake formation. I'm following the workshop Lake formation & EMR integration I have configured an Auth0 account, aws IDP, EMR cluster (aws service) and data lake permissions with (idp users). But I have an error when I do the login with [EMR Zeppelin] (https://EMRMasterNodeDNS:8442/gateway/default/zeppelin/). I do the login with Auth0 and EMR but I can't do it with lakeformation. This is the error that I had on EMR proxy agent: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.knox.gateway.util.SamlUtils.getSamlAwsRoleAttributeValues( at at at org.apache.knox.gateway.pac4j.filter.Pac4jDispatcherFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.knox.gateway.GatewayFilter$Holder.doFilter( at org.apache.knox.gateway.GatewayFilter$Chain.doFilter( at org.apache.knox.gateway.filter.XForwardedHeaderFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.knox.gateway.filter.AbstractGatewayFilter.doFilter(

I think that I need to do the step 6 on the documentation amazon EMR. But I don't know were I have to do this configuration.

Any help? Thank you

1 Antwort

Based on the use case , I would recommend you to explore the following options for fine grain data authorization with Amazon EMR.

Amazon EMR recently released a new feature to support Job Runtime roles with EMR Steps for batch jobs. Take a look the following blogs post on how to implement.

Also for interactive workloads, currently Amazon SageMake Studio supports AWS Lake Formation integration with EMR for fine-grain data authorization and following blog has more details on how this works.

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