Same container image, behaving differently on separate EKS clusters


Hi Guys,

I have a C++ application, built on an EC2 debian8 machine. I have 2 EKS clusters for different environments. Now if I send the same input to that application, it behaves as expected on the 1st EKS cluster and not as expected on the 2nd cluster.
Unfortunately I cannot provide a lot of details, as this is a private application.
I had also problems building this image, as I wasn't able to build a properly functioning image with Docker in Docker, only this particular image.
My thoughts go to the fact that this is a C++ application and that it may want to access some resources directly and it cannot.

BTW, I tried this same config on Google Cloud Platform and it worked without any issue, even if I build the image with Docker in Docker.

Any thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated.

gefragt vor 5 Jahren218 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Just an update: this was solved from the application code. Although it is still strange how the same container behaved differently on separate clusters...

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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