How to get the progress of oss lifecycle


I can get the progress(status) of the lifecycle by radosgw-admin lc list, I don't know how to get it by s3-Boto3, I need your help

eg:radosgw-admin lc list result

gefragt vor 2 Jahren200 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hello shuijing,

It seems like you are able to get the S3 lifecycle information by radosgw-admin lc list, and you want some guidance on how to get it by s3-Boto3.

This link[1] contained the code example shows how to get an S3 bucket’s lifecycle configuration via SDK for Boto3. This third-party link[2] also has a code example along with the steps on the approach to this problem.


beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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