Glue Crawler "Add new columns only" not option is not enabling


I am trying to enable "Add new columns only" by selecting check box and json output for reference. However, saving the crawler, it is automatically going back to "Ignore the change and don't update the table in the data catalog"

    "Name": "<crawler_name>",
    "Role": "<role>",
    "DatabaseName": "<db name>",
    "Description": "",
    "Targets": {
        "S3Targets": [
                "Path": "<bucket_path>",
                "Exclusions": []
        "JdbcTargets": [],
        "MongoDBTargets": [],
        "DynamoDBTargets": [],
        "CatalogTargets": [],
        "DeltaTargets": []
    "Schedule": "",
    "Classifiers": ["json_classifier"],
    "TablePrefix": "",
    "SchemaChangePolicy": {
        "UpdateBehavior": "LOG",
        "DeleteBehavior": "LOG"
    "RecrawlPolicy": {
        "RecrawlBehavior": "CRAWL_NEW_FOLDERS_ONLY"
    "LineageConfiguration": {
        "CrawlerLineageSettings": "DISABLE"
    "LakeFormationConfiguration": {
        "UseLakeFormationCredentials": false,
        "AccountId": ""
    "Configuration": "{\"Version\":1.0,\"CrawlerOutput\":{\"Partitions\":{\"AddOrUpdateBehavior\":\"InheritFromTable\"},\"Tables\":{\"AddOrUpdateBehavior\":\"MergeNewColumns\"}},\"CreatePartitionIndex\":true}",
    "CrawlerSecurityConfiguration": "",
    "Tags": {
        "KeyName": ""

Can someone help how to enable "Add new columns only" with "CRAWL_NEW_FOLDERS_ONLY"?

gefragt vor einem Jahr54 Aufrufe
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