Debugging Cloudfront with multiple origins (S3 + API Gateway) : path pattern not working.


I have set up a cloudfront instance with 2 origins (frontend and backend) for a relatively simple SPA app with a KOA backend. When either origin is set as the default (*) behavior, it works exactly as expected. Whenever I add a second origin (i.e. path pattern /v1/* ), it fails to recognize the pattern and instead tries to load the resource from the default (*) origin. I can flip back and forth by just changing which the default is pointing at, and that origin works fine, but the second path is never accessed.

The precedence is
0: /v1/* , APIGateway (origin path = "/Prod"

1: default(*) , S3

calling gives me a blank page from the react frontend (i.e. I see all the metadata, and the same as

calling launches the frontend, as expected.

calling gives me "Hello World"

Currently in the process of putting a bullet in it and running two cloudfronts (and all the CORS headaches that entails)

gefragt vor 2 Jahren1283 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I recommend you get in touch with AWS Support for help with this.

The only other suggestions I have for you are to ensure you have read the documentation: and/or to try out this CloudFront workshop: to see if you can identify what might be wrong with your own distribution.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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