Clarification regarding sh_cl_apppf_irq_ack/req interface



can I assume that in the sh_cl_apppf_irq_ack interface, at most one bit is set? Or is it possible that in a single clock cycle multiple bits are set?

Let's say I send a request on cl_sh_apppf_irq_req for two interrupts in the same clock cycle (I suppose this is supported, if not please say so). Will both interrupts then ack'ed also in a later, but also same clock cycle? Or will they always be ack'ed one after another?

So, two questions:

  • How many bits may be set in cl_sh_apppf_irq_req in the same clock cycle?
  • How many bits can be set in sh_cl_apppf_irq_ack?


gefragt vor 5 Jahren182 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort


You can think of the multiple user interrupt bits as independent:

  • You can assert multiple bits simultaneously
  • The ACKs may or may not be asserted simultaneously


beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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