EMR Serverless install packages Go Dependecies (bootstrap)


Hi, I need to install Go packages that interact with my Spark script. Is it possible to do such things ?

gefragt vor einem Jahr1118 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

If I'm reading this sample correctly it should work; if so you'll have to stuff those libraries into a custom package and source it from there.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thanks for your comment. Yes, The problem is not with PIP/Python packages. The problem is to use a Go app like SOPS. Which is used to decrypt secrets. In EMR we apply it using the bootstrap but in EMR Serverless there's no bootstrap available.

  • Interesting - are you shelling out to the Go binary from your Spark script? You can certainly include the binaries in the tarbell and it will get unpacked into an environment folder...I'm not sure if there's anything preventing you from executing other binaries, but you could give it a shot.


yes, maybe adding the Go binary app (SOPS) to the ZIP file might work. thanks

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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