VPC Private Endpoint Service for Datasync


A customer is going to use Datasync to migrate data on-prem to S3 bucket through private network, DX connection has been established between on-prem and aws VPC. In Datasync, we can create VPC private endpoint according to our documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/datasync/latest/userguide/datasync-in-vpc.html

The DataSync agent will be deployed in EC2 in the VPC, I wonder if we also need to create another VPC endpoint for S3 to ensure end-to-end traffic remain in private traffic.

gefragt vor 4 Jahren1139 Aufrufe
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A VPC endpoint for S3 will not be required. When creating your Datasync task, the service will deploy 4 ENIs in the VPC which will be used for data transfer. You can read more on this in the following link:


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