EC2 linux instance migrated using Application Migration Service (ASM) does not initialize correctly Network


Hi, I have migrated a Redhat 7.2 linux machine that was previosly working on a VMWARE Host. I did that migration running the Application Migration Service Agent inside the linux machine, and although I was able to start the migrated EC2 instance on AWS, it did not started correctly. It seems the error may be related with the network interface, since when I do a config, I do not see a "eth0" device setup, I instead see a "virbr0" device, that seems to be a "bridge" or "virtualized" card. My suspect is that, since the Redhat 7.2 was running previously on a vmware, it had virtualized cards insted a normal eth0, and that virtualized card may be something specific of vmware that was not recognized by the Application Migration Service Agent when the migration was done. Is there any suggested why to use AMS (Application Migration Service) on such as environments ? How I can fix now that machine so the network is working ? Not sure if I can add now an "eth0" card to the actual EC2, or if I should delete the "virbr0" device and how--

1 Antwort

Hello, to answer your question, we require details that are non-public information. Please open a support case with AWS using the following link. Please find more details on Network interfaces and their configuration on EC2 here.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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