Correct S3 Bucket Architecture for Microservices


I am building a microservices web application. I want to know the correct S3 structure for storing my data. The web application will have a couple of unrelated microservices and will be used by thousands of users. I don't know if all data should be stored under one single bucket in the format: arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/service-N/user-M/* or have a bucket for each microservice and a folder for each user: arn:aws:s3:::service-N-bucket/user-M/*. My intuition is to go for the second option since its more decoupled. Is there any best practice regarding this matter?

gefragt vor einem Jahr704 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


You could read Best practices design patterns: optimizing Amazon S3 performance before creating your structure additionally I could suggest you to read Organizing objects using prefixes, Performance Guidelines for Amazon S3 and Performance Design Patterns for Amazon S3.

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All those information will help you to define your prefix structure to save your data into s3.

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