Exam result revoked


I took my AWS Practioner exam with PSI today, and after the result being published and the supervisor said 'exam is finished,have a nice day', i took a picture of my result, and then suddenly there showed a warning on my screen saying i violated the rule...and i need to reschedule en exam, this is totally unaccpetable, people who are using Pearson and going to exam center can take a picture of their result, why people with PSI cannot??? Also im not taking any pictures of the questions, just my final result as a proof, is PSI just want to make more money from people retaking exams?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren1247 Aufrufe
3 Antworten

Same thing happened to me today… Any update on this in the last few days?

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

Based on what you described, your result will need to be reviewed by the AWS Certification Exam Security team. They will make a decision and if your result is validated, it will be available in your AWS Certification account (aws.training/certification). Please allow up to 5 business days for this review.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

Hi i took my exam of aws at last 10 minutes i got the warning message i was just seeing that popup message and again after a second it is revoked it's already been a week i haven't got any result. I have answered 58 questions out of 65 . Can I except my result within the 3 weeks as they mentioned in the mail

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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