How to whitelist ip addresses in security group?


We are trying to give URL access to some specific users, as our application hosted in elastic beanstalk. Since the URL is public we just want to make it private.

2 Antworten

You can create a customer managed prefix list that you can then put into your security group. See documentation here:

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
profile pictureAWS
überprüft vor 2 Jahren

Hello @AWS-User-4805368,

We answered your question in the latest episode of AWS Supports You. Please take a look at the YouTube video here, and we hope it helps answer your question!

Please don't hesitate to comment here if you have any follow up questions. If this helped to answer your question, please make sure to mark this question as answered.

Have a great day!

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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