Is there any way to seperate the invoice of each guest account within organizations?


Hi, I have up to 8 aws accounts and using organizations to consolidate these multiple member accounts to manage simply. But at the same time, I also want another invoice for each member account without removing member accounts from Organizations. Is there any ways to do so?

1 Antwort


You have a few options:

  1. You can view each member accounts bill by logging into each account. Note: The member account bills are for informational purpose only. The management account might reallocate the additional volume discounts, Reserved Instance, or Savings Plans discounts that your account receives. (
  2. You can use Cost Categories and Cost Explorer to generate usage reports for each member account. (
  3. You can also use Billing Conductor to create pro forma bills for each account. (
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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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