Using a Shared Web Host and SES


I am using Mautic on a shared web host, and I would like to integrate SES with mautic, I was able to get SES to work when I was using it on an EC2 instance However I keep getting the following error.

Connection could not be established with host [Connection refused #111] Log data: ++ Starting Mautic\EmailBundle\Swiftmailer\Transport\AmazonTransport !! Connection could not be established with host [Connection refused #111] (code: 0)
++ Starting Mautic\EmailBundle\Swiftmailer\Transport\AmazonTransport

I submitted a Ticket to the hosting provider and their response was in my opinion unsatisfactory but This is what he stated. "As far i understand amazone SES can be configured on a VPS or dedicated server only. I am not sure if it can be used for a domain hosted on a shared server. If possible, could you please get the configuration steps from amazone support."

If yall could assist I would appreciate it.

gefragt vor 6 Jahren294 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I did some more digging and found an article with the information.

beantwortet vor 6 Jahren

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