AWS lightsail - how can I troubleshoot/resolve DNS propogation problem


Set up the DNS zone (A record, MX record & TXT records) but for whatever reason/s it still doesn't want to resolve. Now having problem getting to the vm using the IP address. Been over the DNS zone settings numerous times and I'm certain they're fine. What's also weird is that if I try the domain name on my phone it'll work once but when I try moments later on a desktop the browser just sits there. Is there anything in the lightsail control panel (under the Networking header) where we can troubleshoot DNS problems? When I check the A record at it looks good, mostly green check marks with a few red Xs but the red Xs are outside the US. Has anyone had DNS problems recently & how did you work through them. All feedback is welcome

gefragt vor 3 Jahren526 Aufrufe
5 Antworten

What's the domain name?

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David G
beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

thanks for the reply, it's

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

I checked a handful of domains on that DNS lookup site you mentioned and get results consistent with your domain.

Looks like your site is redirecting to https, but the https port (443) isn't open.

Check the firewall settings and make sure your web server is listening on port 443.

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David G
beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

You're the truth David G. I went into the management of the lightsail instance & added a rule (https port 443) to the IPv4 firewall settings. Now it resolves without any problem. Thanks again for your feedback

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

Yeah, the problem wasn't the DNS not resolving, the DNS was resolving fine. The server wasn't accepting connections.

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David G
beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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