Pinpoint - where do I see the user list?


Where in the Pinpoint console do I go to see the list of users?

I'm trying to send a test notification, and I just want to send it to all the devices, but it's asking me for an 'endpoint id' or 'device token'. I don't know where to find either of them.

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2 Antworten

Open the Amazon Pinpoint console. On the All projects page, choose the project that you want to view endpoints for. In the navigation pane, under Analytics, choose Endpoints. This page displays a list of the endpoints that are associated with your application. The Endpoint ID and Device token are associated with each endpoint. When sending a direct message, you need to specify one or more endpoint IDs.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • There is no "Endpoints" option on this menu.


Hello Frank,

You won't be able to access the endpoints list from the Pinpoint console. You need to export the endpoints list to a S3 bucket. Please follow this link

You can also list endpoint IDs from the exported file from S3 by following this link

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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