Adding SSL certificate


I'm new to AWS , I have my ec2 instance and loadbalancer setup outside lightsail and my domain is inside lightsail now i am unable to choose loadbalancer for A record (no options available) So frontend guys getting ssl error on login page :)

1 Antwort

Hi Sharath,

To make sure I understand your setup correctly. You have a one EC2 instance and an ELB outside of Lightsail. Then you are using Lightsail DNS to manage the DNS of your domain.

You will want to switch your DNS hosting to Route 53. Once that's done, you can set your ELB load balancer as an alias record. The following links can help you with switching your DNS hosting to Route 53:

Lightsail DNS is mainly used for managing your resources within the Lightsail environment. Whereas Route 53 is used for DNS routing for all other AWS services (though it can also be used to point to Lightsail resources).

Eric B

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
überprüft vor 2 Jahren

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