AWS IVS openH264 codec support


Does Amazon IVS Player support playback of encoded with openH264 codec streams? We tried to play stream encoded with this codec in OBS on Fedora system but player ( wasn't able to play it, just long buffering and blank screen. Debug mode didn't show any errors. We played with different congif options but didn't succeed.

gefragt vor einem Jahr377 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

The Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) does provide an Player SDK that can be incorporated into a custom stream player to receive and play IVS streams. The demo IVS site you reference includes that Player SDK as something that can be tested. It is targeted only for use with IVS generated streams and not streams from other sources. There are other players offered for testing that should handle those other streams.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Codecs: Amazon IVS supports H.264 for video and AAC (LC) for audio.


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