Everything vanished in my AWS console !



I had an EC2 and an associated volume running since at least a year, without a problem. I made absolutely no action on this setup recently but a few days ago everything vanished in my AWS console: my EC2 instance, and the elastic IP and volume associated with it.

Here was my setup according to my on-going October facturation: $0.0134 per On Demand Linux t2.micro Instance Hour454.000 Hrs$6.08 $0.059 per 1 million I/O requests - EU (Frankfurt)45,319,372.000 IOs$2.67 $0.059 per GB-month of Magnetic provisioned storage - EU (Frankfurt)9.548 GB-Mo

What the f*** is going on ??

Best Guillaume

gefragt vor 2 Jahren193 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

First, the obvious things:

Have you checked the region you're operating in? It's at the top-right of the console - make sure that you are now looking at the region that you were operating in.

Second, if that's ok check CloudTrail and see if the resources were deleted; if so by which user and when. If you suspect that someone else has been using your account, change your passwords and access keys. Also raise a security ticket with the support team.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
profile pictureAWS
überprüft vor 2 Jahren

Shame on me, I was on the wrong region... I feel so stupid ! :-)

Thank you

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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