how to increase the storage of host instance


The parameters of a big neural network model can be huge. But the largest storage size of a host instance is only 30G, according to Is there a way to increase the storage volume? I have a model (embeddings) that is very close to 30G and caused a no space error when deploying.


gefragt vor 4 Jahren1749 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

The disk size is currently not configurable for SageMaker Endpoints with EBS backed volumes. As a workaround, please use instances with ephemeral storage for your SageMaker endpoint.

Example instance types with ephemeral storage:

The full list of Amazon SageMaker instance types can be accessed here:

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

Thanks! Using a x5d instance solves the issue.

And a quick note: even though I could download the big model to endpoint now, I got timeout error when loading the model in the endpoint. After some trial and error, I solved it by increasing the timeout value and reducing the number of worker by setting the environment variables. To do it, pass this dict


when creating the model object.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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