AWS MGN: Data replication stalled


We have installed agent in virtual machine successfully but getting error error is- Data replication stalled Failed to launch Replication Server. We already allowed the port 443 and 1500 to local windows firewall and their existing pfsense. Can someone explain why I get this error and where I can look to correct it? The "How can I solve this?" takes you to general troubleshooting and none of the troubleshooting topics have this error.. Thank you! Enter image description here

gefragt vor einem Jahr477 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

This is likely caused by a permissions issue from MGN service to launch the Replication Instance. Noting, that the problem here is in launching the server that receives the data from your on-prem server, and not an issue with your on-prem server.

Try checking the logs, usually it'll say if there is a IAM Role or permission missing.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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