CloudFront Authenticated Origin Pulls


A customer is looking to replicate the mTLS functionality of CloudFlare Authenticated Origin Pulls ( using CloudFront.

This is in the context of Kubernetes and nginx ingress. They have considered using security groups here, but they don't feel that security groups fit the bill.

  1. Do we have any recommendations or workarounds to implement this mTLS functionality?
  2. Do we have any references for customers who have done this?
gefragt vor 4 Jahren994 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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unfortunately that's not available in CloudFront. The customer origin cannot authenticate requests coming from CloudFront using TLS layer (specifcally mTLS). However, CloudFront authentication can be implemented at application layer using Lambda@Edge. Here's an example:

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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