Amazon Location Service - Esri Imagery - How to add streets


I'm attempting to evaluate Amazon Location Service as a replacement for MapBox.

The available map styles are here:

This page mentions "Esri map styles that are not listed in this section are currently not supported."

Is there a way to overlay streets on the "Esri Imagery" (aka Satellite Imagery) map?


gefragt vor 2 Jahren204 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hello, thank you for the question!

Yes, it is possible to overlay streets on Esri Imagery. The recommended way would be to use a layer that is tailor made to be overlayed over raster basemap for roads, streets, and such.

However, with custom map styles, you can add a vector tile layer over satellite imagery and only overlay the streets.

An example blog is here:

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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