AWS Glue job updating an existing table


Using AWS Glue jobs, I want to insert, update and delete the rows in a Table in RDS Database based on the primary key. How do I achieve it.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren4713 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

There are multiple ways one of them is -

1- Use Glue python shell job , copy the jdbc jar on S3 and refer then by initializing connection object and execute the SQL statement. similar :-

2- Create Mysql connection in AWS glue use connection object in Glue python shell job type in Glue studio or legacy ETL and follow step 1.

Other reference :-

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

This web site may help you.

I have created jobs to execute update, insert or delete sql statement on Oracle database on Amazon RDS by using JayDeBeApi, JPype or cx_oracle(if you use MySQL, then you may use mysql connector) libraries.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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