Cognito - Sub attribute seems to be no more a valid Uuid


Until now, I was thinking the generated value for the sub attribute of congito user was a valid UUID (typically v4).

But the users I've generated for my tests (I also generated new user pools for my tests), the sub always value contains a 7 as the first digit of the third group ex: 62e51434-50a1-7070-842a-82a33ec1174f 62e53484-a0a1-70c7-4c6b-c90380fc8519

Is the cognito user sub attribute a valid UUID ?

gefragt vor einem Jahr1240 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Hi, version 7 is a new uuid format.


UUID version 7 features a time-ordered value field derived from the widely implemented and 
well known Unix Epoch timestamp source, the number of milliseconds seconds since midnight 
1 Jan 1970 UTC, leap seconds excluded. As well as improved entropy characteristics over 
versions 1 or 6.
profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Version 7 seems to be still in a draft stage.


Finally, I didn't manage to get a new pool that generate Uuid v7. It seems the issue was limited in time. Maybe a problem shadow solved by AWS team ;)

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