Additional verification required for ACM


Hello! I cannot issue certificate. I see an error "Additional verification required to request certificates for one or more domain names in this request" and link to

If you don't have a support plan, post a new thread in the ACM Discussion Forum.

gefragt vor einem Jahr226 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

What additional information I have to provide?

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

I can see lots of people have had trouble with this. Assuming you do in fact own the domain, confirm it's not on the Restricted list:

  • .RU
  • .BY
  • Бел - Belarus
  • Рф - Russian Federation
  • .moscow
  • .москва - Moscow
  • .SU - Soviet Union
  • ( .RU.COM
  • .РУС
  • .RU.NET

If that's not the problem then from what I've read, I think you're going to need a support plan subscription for a little while to resolve it.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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