Last name update in AWS Certification


my account id AWS00192207.. my last name not having complete name. its now with letter V should be updated to Venkatesan. planning for exam this weekend need to update it urgently , my previous AWS certification completed back in 2016 have the right name. first name : Raviganesh last name : Venkatesan

gefragt vor 2 Jahren695 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

You would ideally see the instructions in the exam confirmation email from the provider you are taking the test with. I have pasted the steps I received during the latest test I took 2 weeks ago. Hope this helps.

To correct your first name(s) and/or last name(s), please follow the steps below immediately:

  1. Click here to submit a ticket for AWS Support
  2. Complete all required fields in the form
  3. In the Inquiry Type * field, select "Account Assistance"
  4. In the Additional Details * field, select "Name Change"
  5. In the How can we help you? * field, please ask us to change your name, then enter your name as it is listed on your valid forms of identification.
  6. Click the Submit button

It might take 2 or more days to get the name updated. I would advice you to reschedule the exam to avoid any issues.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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