Change of IP address linked to mobile app


I have an Android app connected to my AWS account that has been linked to the same IP address and instance for the past few years now. AWS underwent maintenance at the end of Feb, so I started to receive an error message on my app: "Unable to connect to XXX IP address". There seemed to be nothing wrong with the instance, it was running normally and passed both status checks, but still my app did not work, and I kept receiving the same error message. I tried to reboot the instance, it didn't work. So I stopped the instance and restarted it, but now I have a different IP address which is not linked to my app. Does anyone know how I can fix this so that the new IP address is linked to my app? Or what are my options? Thanks for your help.

gefragt vor einem Jahr197 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Because a dynamic IP address was assigned to your instance, it changes every time you stop and start the instance. You can solve it, by assigning an Elastic IP Address (EIP) to your instance. This way your instance gets the same IP Address even after the reboot.

Then, you need to update the IP address in your Android app's configuration to reflect the new EIP assigned to your instance.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
profile pictureAWS
überprüft vor einem Jahr

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