Putty network fatal error: Connection timed out


I downloaded putty and connected it with aws ec2 a few days ago. I installed a lot of important data as well. But recently I am not able to connect to putty. How can I bring back the connection to putty without the loss of data? Also, I saw that the status check on ec2 management console is showing the error 1/2 checks passed and it is also showing that there is an error in instance status checks. Restarting the laptop also doesn’t work. What should I do so that my data is not lost and putty also starts working again??

gefragt vor 2 Jahren526 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi , This is not related to putty issue, as you can see status check failed, you will not able to connect. Please refer below documents for troubleshooting https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ec2-windows-instance-status-check-fail/


beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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