Gamelift is always active. How do I make it inactive?


I manually turned on my Gamelift fleet on in order to test it out but now I want it to be inactive. In the past, I've typically just manually set the instance counts to 0 and the fleet would become inactive after about 10 minutes. For whatever reason, this is no longer the case. Does anyone know how I can do this without deleting my fleet? Again, I've already managed this in the past but it stopped working yesterday.

gefragt vor einem Jahr234 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


As you mention you'd typically want to scale down your instance count to 0 to make it inactive without having to delete the entire fleet. Have you checked your fleet events to see if there's some debuggable information that helps determine what's changed? If you're still having issues, I'd recommend creating a support ticket with your fleet information so the GameLift team can help take a closer look.


beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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