Bug Report: InvalidParameterCombination: DBInstanceClass=db.t3.micro, Engine=mariadb, EngineVersion=10.6.10, LicenseModel=general-public-license


I think I discovered a bug. I tried running my Terraform code for my resources in Region Asia Pacific (Jakarta) ap-southeast-3.

Previously it's something like this

resource "aws_db_instance" "test_database" {
  allocated_storage               = 30
  max_allocated_storage           = 100
  engine                          = "mariadb"
  engine_version                  = "10.6.8"

Then the console output

InvalidParameterCombination: Cannot upgrade mariadb from 10.6.10 to 10.6.8

I tried changing to 10.6

resource "aws_db_instance" "test_database" {
  allocated_storage               = 30
  max_allocated_storage           = 100
  engine                          = "mariadb"
  engine_version                  = "10.6"

It shows

InvalidParameterCombination: RDS does not support creating a DB instance with the following combination: DBInstanceClass=db.t3.micro, Engine=mariadb, EngineVersion=10.6.10, LicenseModel=general-public-license. For supported combinations of instance class and database engine version, see the documentation.

I checked in the RDS console for my instance. It's somewhat already in version 10.6.10.

Enter image description here

But when I tried modify the instance, the options shows nothing

Enter image description here

Then I tried creating a new RDS, there is no options 10.6.10.

Enter image description here

gefragt vor 2 Jahren80 Aufrufe
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