DNS changes not propagating


I have registered a domain through Amazon, added the DNS A records and shoed they work using dig when I specify the name server dig @ dundeeurc.org i get an answer however when i dig the google server dig @ dundeeurc.org i get none. Suspect the records are not propagating. I notice that the name servers in the dns config are not the same as those in the whois record. Anyone know what might be stopping propagation?

gefragt vor 5 Jahren281 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


The name servers in your domain registration should match the name servers that Route 53 assigned to your hosted zone. They don't currently match, which I think means that you deleted the hosted zone and later created another one. (Route 53 assigns four new name servers to a hosted zone whenever you create another one.)

Here's how you fix that:

  1. Get the name servers for your hosted zone. See "Getting the Name Servers for a Public Hosted Zone" in the Route 53 Developer Guide:


  1. Update the domain registration to use the name servers that you got in step 1. See "Adding or Changing Name Servers and Glue Records for a Domain":



beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Thanks Scott, spot on about deleting and re-adding the hosted zone. Just made the changes and worked, thanks so much!

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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