Clone Failed SageMaker MLOps Project Using Third-party Git Repos


I'm trying to use MLOps template for model building, training, and deployment with third-party Git repositories using CodePipeline in my ML project. I created the project successfully using the template and all the seed code is available in the GitHub repos I specified. But when I try to clone the repo, I am getting the below error

Enter image description here

I see that the local path that has been specified in

No such file or directory: '/home/sagemaker-user/home/sagemaker-user/cat-ml-test-1-p-mtd5ofsbdgva/sagemaker-p-mtd5ofsbdgva-modeldeploy'

does not sound quite right. But there's is no option to change the local path by myself also.

How can I solve this? Any leads are welcome TIA

gefragt vor einem Jahr306 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi there! Have you seen this documentation - How are you trying to clone the repo? Is this within Sagemaker studio? Have you tried to use the navigation bar which has git? Git Clone

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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