Slow LightSail instance when opening Excel


LightSail instance gets very slow when opening or closing Excel; also when executing formulas. You cannot open any other application for several minutes. You have office 365

gefragt vor 2 Jahren214 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Hi, I don't know if you were able to finish your question here, but I would assume that you are running an Windows Lightsail instance that is too small for what you are trying to do. I would not go any lower than the $12/month version of Windows Lightsail, and would be more inclined to go even bigger. Excel likes RAM (memory), if it's taking a long time my guess is there is not enough memory and to try a bigger instance type.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Hi, thanks you answer. My plan is $120 16 GB 4 vCPUS 320 GB SSD 6 TB I don't understand why it's slow.


Interesting. Have you looked at your task manager/process manager to see if something is consuming a lot of CPU? 16GB is plenty. If you click on your instance you can go to your monitoring metrics. Take a look through each of the different ones (CPU Utilization and others) feel free to screenshot and post here

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • I solved it by creating a new instance from scratch. Now everything works perfect. The metrics did not give much information. Thanks for your interest. Excuse my english.

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