lambda - cannot get database names from DocumentDb


I am trying to get a list of database names for my DocumentDB. I am using the pymongo library. I run this code;"get client")
    #connectionString = os.environ["documentdb_connection"]
    connectionString = "mongodb://"
    ##Specify the database to be used"Get database testdb")
    #db = client.testdb"All the databases")
    #db = client.testdb

I have been unable to connect to the specific database I wanted so I thought I would comment those lines out and instead list all of the databases to check if it exists. On the last line of that code I get a NameError; "name 'client' is not defined" How do I fix this?

gefragt vor einem Jahr330 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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you forgot to create the client object before attempting to use it. You should use the MongoClient class from the pymongo library to create a connection

example code:

import logging
import os
from pymongo import MongoClient"get client")
# connectionString = os.environ["documentdb_connection"]
connectionString = "mongodb://"

# Create the client
client = MongoClient(connectionString)

##Specify the database to be used"Get database testdb")
#db = client.testdb"All the databases")
#db = client.testdb

# List all database names

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Oh dear, I must have deleted that line by mistake. anyway thank you very much!

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