How do you troubleshoot AWS Backup beyond the console's statuses and generic messages?


I'm trying to setup up a Audit Manager > Framework plan. But I'm getting a deployment status of failed with the following:

Failed to load compliance details. Refresh the page or try again later.

Super unhelpful message for troubleshooting. So I read in the docs there is maybe some logs in Cloudwatch or EventBridge that might provide me more info to fix this problem. But in order to troubleshoot this information it appears I have to set that up?! Ok great idea groan why would you just do that for people because it's SO productive to read even more garbage docs and service minutiae. Cloudwatch seems like a dead end as it's just metrics related. I didn't see anything about sending logs to Cloudwatch, and in cloudwatch there are no new log groups for backup per se. So that leaves Eventbridge and what is it going to really do send me a bunch of events that I need to funnel to cloudwatch?!

So my question is do I have to setup these things in these other services just to troubleshoot the problem? And why wouldn't that be done for me by the service so I can get to the problem faster and not have to read up on services I may or may not be using?!

gefragt vor 3 Monaten190 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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Regarding the error "Failed to load compliance details. Refresh the page or try again later", I have reproduced this issue in my lab, this error occurs when the Resource tracking is not enabled from AWS Config in the current region.

"Before you create your first compliance-related framework, you must turn on resource tracking. Doing so allows AWS Config to track your AWS Backup resources."

Please refer above point in this document Note:

Please make sure your Resource tracking status is On.

To turn on resource tracking using the console:

  • Open the AWS Backup console at

  • In the left navigation pane, under Audit Manager, choose Frameworks.

  • Turn on resource tracking by choosing Manage resource tracking.

  • Click on "Choose Go to AWS Config Settings."

  • You will navigate to AWS Config console and complete the Config setup with default options.

  • Now the Dashboard will be created, Now navigate to the left navigation page and click on "Settings" make sure that Recorder is turned ON.

After your Resource tracking status is On, you can try creating the new framework in AWS Backup console.

Following above steps, you can mitigate this error and Deployment status will be marked as Completed.

If you still face errors, I recommend filing a case with AWS Support where we can look at account level details/settings.

beantwortet vor 3 Monaten
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überprüft vor 3 Monaten
  • I created the framework first before turning on AWS Config, then went back and turned it on, but my framework never recovered. I had to delete it then re-create it for it to work. Thanks.

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