Amazon Linux 2022 (AL2022) Is it possible to upgrade from one Release Candidate (RC) to the next RC


First things first: AL2022 is a joy to use on T4G EC2. Is the update from one RC to the next one implemented yet? I have the august AL2022 installed and want to upgrade to the september one:

# dnf update --releasever=2022.0.20220928.0
Amazon Linux 2022 repository. Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'amazonlinux':
  - Status code: 403 for 
  - Status code: 403 for
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'amazonlinux': Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: Status code: 403 for 
Ignoring repositories: amazonlinux. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete!

All in- and outbound ports are open for both IP4 and IP6 in security rules.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren295 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

For the upgrade to work you have to remove the trailing ".0" in the release version. This works: dnf update --releasever=2022.0.20220928

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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