About drop aurora instance under primary production instance mysql.


Good morning, I have an aurora read replica below a production transactional instance in mysql. My question is, how do I drop this reading instance, considering that it presents an error message to drop, message below: It is important to point out that he does not have to be promoted to master, as the transactional database is ok

"Cannot delete the last instance of the read replica DB cluster. Promote the DB cluster to a standalone DB cluster in order to delete it."

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gefragt vor einem Jahr227 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

HI, Greetings!

When you promote the Aurora cluster, it will be a standalone cluster and no longer be synchronised with the source (RDS primary) as the replication from source is stopped. And this promotion will not impact the source (RDS primary) and your applications will continue to work with the existing endpoints of the source unless you update it/perform a cutover.

Hence in order to delete the Aurora Read Replica that you created, it is safe to Promote the Aurora cluster and then perform the deletion, without impacting your transactional database.

Let me know if I answered your question or if you have any follow-up.


Ranjini Menon

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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