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Regarding the 50% discount voucher on the AWS certification exam for the event happened on June 12 2023.


Greetings Team,

I attended the "Exam Readiness: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate" webinar on Mon, June 12,2023 and was told by the organizer that 50% discount voucher will be sent within the next 15 days. It's close to 15 now and I'm wondering when I will receive the voucher. Please let me know. Thank you.

gefragt vor einem Jahr546 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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Delays are typical in these events and may take weeks.

One unorthodox way is to reach out to organizers or presenters on social networks.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
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überprüft vor 5 Monaten
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überprüft vor einem Jahr

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