SES Ip Blacklisted in Spamhaus


According to Q4 of, when one of SES Ip address used by AWS falls into a DNSBL like spamhaus, AWS itself takes action to remove it from the list. Recently we've noticed a lot of messages falling into spam when using one of the ips in range 54.240.3.X. When checking it on spamhaus we were able to see that since 2022/07/17 this ip range is listed as spam. I'd like to know when will AWS take action to move this ip out of this DNSBL or if it is possible to assign another ip range to send the emails.

1 Antwort

Good luck with that. AWS don't seem to really care much about their IP addresses being blacklisted, and in fact, you cannot even use the term "blacklisted" in a support request, as I assume they are trying to prevent people from even complaining about it!

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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