How do I drop native Delta tables from Athena catalog?


Onboarded native Delta table using

LOCATION '[s3_location]'

Works great when I query it. However, when I run

drop table [table_name]

I get the following error:

"Routed statement type 'DROP_TABLE' to DeltaLakeDDLEngine, expected to route to DATACATALOG_DDL_ENGINE"

gefragt vor einem Jahr1388 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Deleting from the Glue UI or using Glue API works

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
überprüft vor einem Jahr
  • see the documentation to review the DDL support:

  • @fabrizio this answer is okay as a manual workaround, but I have workloads that rely on the athena API only. There is no feasible way for me to change the underlying code so your workaround is no good for my use case.

    Is there any way to raise this issue with the AWS team? The specific ask is "support dropping delta tables from athena via SQL command". Thanks


Is it possible to re-open the issue? The workaround using the glue ui to drop the table doesn't solve the issue. From the documentation create and drop table should work directly from athena ( image description here

beantwortet vor 4 Monaten

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