RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed


Hello AWSome folks! I am trying to do the "Build a serverless web application" workshop and I'm on the User Management part. I am on to initialize Amplify CLI by executing the command "amplify init" and it is supposed to initialize the project but I am getting this error:

RangeError: Array buffer allocation failed at new ArrayBuffer (<anonymous>) at new Uint8Array (<anonymous>) at new FastBuffer (node:internal/buffer:959:5) at createUnsafeBuffer (node:internal/buffer:1062:12) at allocate (node:buffer:410:10) at Function.allocUnsafe (node:buffer:375:10) at Function.concat (node:buffer:553:25) at Extract.<anonymous> (/home/ec2- user/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.0/lib/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli/lib/binary.js:127:37) at Extract.emit (node:events:539:35) at finishMaybe (/home/ec2-user/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.0/lib/node_modules/@aws-amplify/cli/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:624:14)

What could be causing this?

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