RDS Serverless DB Auto-Scale Fail


I am using RDS serverless DB and always fail in auto-scale up and the reason is "An internal error occurred." Any setting I need to check? After scale timeout, the DB scale down again. Thank you.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren282 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

I would recommend you to open a support case to troubleshoot the issue since you are getting an Internal Error.

In addition to that, please note that for scaling operations Aurora Serverless v1 first tries to identify a scaling point, a moment when no queries are being processed. Aurora Serverless might not be able to find a scaling point for the following reasons:

  • Long-running queries
  • In-progress transactions
  • Temporary tables or table locks
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

In addition to the above, the "Minimum capacity", "Pre-warming" and "Scale-blocking operations" sections of this Best practices for working with Amazon Aurora Serverless blog post are probably helpful.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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