MySQL RDS 'max_connections_per_hour' error, what are my options. This is not the 'max_connections' parameters, but per hour.


I'm getting the following error for a DB I have. (db.t2.micro)

“1226 (42000): User ‘?????????’ has exceeded the ‘max_connections_per_hour’ resource (current value: 85)”

Note that this is not the typical 'max_connections' parameter.

I do not see the parameter under my.sql.user (as if it doesn't exist), but I am getting the error nonetheless.

Most of the solutions that I read about include upgrading the instance, which I am willing to do but for my current application it would be overkill. Most of my open and close connections are simple api request.

85 connections in an hour doesn't seem like much, there has to be another solution.

1 Antwort

MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR is a MySQL per-user parameter. To remove this, you can use:

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • This fixed it. It's weird, the USER table does not have this parameter visible, and the mysql feedback from running the query is '0 rows affected', but it did work.

  • You can check this with SELECT User, max_connections, max_user_connections FROM mysql.user;. The 0 rows affected is normal, this happens with any alters to users. Can you mark this answer correct if it answered your question?

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